Live Performance Services

We’ve been making live performance videos for years so if your band needs affordable content for your Electronic Press Kits (EPK), we’re your first port of call. If you don’t know what we do (where have you been?) , then have a look at our portfolio on our website – over 200 shows. (
Why Work With Us ?
- We’ve been making live performance video with bands for 6 years (see ‘Our Shows’ on this website).
- We provide great value for money by providing you with not only the remixed, edited files (if you take our post production option) but all of the Multicam and Multitrack source files as well.
- If you use our post production service we will also provide a video trailer highlighting extracts from your performance.
How Much Does It Cost?

For live performance session recording, the cost is £75 per hour, clocked in 20 minute (£25) blocks.
The studio time hourly rate commences from the agreed ‘start time’ BUT studio will be available 30 minutes prior, free of charge, to enable the band to get a head start on setup.
The studio time hourly rate concludes when the band leave the studio
The studio time hourly rate includes …
- setup, rehearsal, performance and tear down.
- audio engineer and video technician.
- feedback from us on each take.
- use of the studio premises
- use studio equipment.
- audio monitoring to IEM or headphones (up to 6 monitor mixes) – or to 2 floor wedges if preferred.
- delivery of
- multi-track audio wav files (48K 32-Bit)
- multi-cam camera angles (up to 9) in 1080p .MOV format (H264 Codec)
- Composite ‘live’ video in 1080p .MOV format (unedited) with guide audio track (unmixed).

For pre show prep and post session data handling, the cost is £30 per hour.
Even on the least complex shows there will be about 2 hours of pre-show studio setup (getting as much ready as possible before you arrive) and data handling (copying files from cameras and recording kit to hard drives post recording). As a rule of thumb assume most sessions will attract £60 for prep and data handling. This helps minimise the studio-time cost which would otherwise be at £75 per hour.
For optional post production editing/mixing, the cost is £30 per hour.
Post production is an optional service. You may wish to take the raw files and conduct your own mixes and edits from the materials that we provide.
If you go for our post-prod option you get …
- delivery of
- 48K 32-Bit stereo audio master files for songs in WAV format at -14LUFS Integrated Loudness
- Optional 44.1K 16-Bit stereo audio WAV files
- Optional 48K 32-Bit audio stereo stems for each instrument (minus all reverbs and master bus plug-ins)
- Finalised ‘as live’ video with basic colour correction, song titles and sync’d remix audio – .MOV format 1080p.
- Approx 90 second trailer featuring excerpts from a number of songs.
- Approval copies after 1st audio mix, provided via either Dropbox or Wetransfer. Final copies of files are provided on a suitably formatted USB stick and sent via tracked Royal Mail shipping (additional charge for stick+shipping).
There is no VAT to add to Visual Radio Arts pricing (we operate beneath the VAT threshold).

How much time are you going to need? It’s just a guess. Every band and every session is unique. You may want to record 3 songs or 6 songs. You might want to do each song 3 times or you may knock it out of the park in one take. You may be happy to remix and edit yourself or you may want to use our optional post production service – but …
- Solo/Duo
- 2 hours pre show prep and post session data handling @£30 per hour = £60
- 1 hour setup/rehearsal/get-out @ £75 per hour = £75
- 1 hour recording @ £75 per hour = £75
- Grand total excluding optional post production could be £210
- Grand Total including 4 hours optional post production could be £330
- Trio/4 Piece
- 2 hours pre show prep and post session data handling @£30 per hour = £60
- 1.5 hours setup/rehearsal/get-out @ £75 per hour = £112.50
- 1 hour recording @ £75 per hour = £75
- Grand total excluding optional post production could be £247.50
- Grand total including 4 hours optional post production could be £367.50
- 5 Piece/Complex band (possibly several multi instrumentalists).
- 2 hours pre show prep and post session data handling @£30 per hour = £60
- 2 hours setup/rehearsal/get-out @ £75 per hour = £150
- 1 hour recording @ £75 per hour = £75
- Grand total excluding optional post production could be £285
- Grand total including 5 hours optional post production could be £435
Rights and ownership

Where you are paying to record a live performance session, the rights to the materials are understood to be ‘works made for hire’ – the rights are owned by you. However a Visual Radio Arts production credit would be appreciated when the works are shared or distributed.
Techy Stuff
- Source audio recording via Presonus RM32 mixer using Presonus Capture. Mix of microphones – mainly Sennheiser. DIs mainly Orchid Electronics.
- 6 individual on stage mixes to IEM (or headphones)
- Cameras are Apple iPhones (mainly iPhone 11 Pro with a couple of 8 Plus) recording 1080p HD, managed by Switcher Studio app.
- ADJ stage lighting against black backdrop. Stage lighting front and rear is white with colour uplighters and 4 moving lights. No haze or fog available (trips studio smoke detection).
- Video edited using Final Cut Pro
- Audio remixed using Pro Tools with Waves, Izotope, Fabfilter plug-ins. Basic mastering and loudness through Izotope Ozone and RX10

Terms and conditions
- Studio Time Deposit (£100) in advance. Balance to be paid on the recording day by bank transfer or via PayPal.
- Session and post production costs must be paid before finalised recordings or edited materials are handed over.
- The client is solely responsible for clearances or licenses to perform or record the content.
- The client provides permission for Visual Radio Arts to store, edit and copy the materials for the purposes of fulfilling the commission.
- Visual Radio Arts retains the right to utilise works for the purposes of promotion of the service.
- Where the works delivered by the post production services are shared and distributed by the client, a production credit to Visual Radio Arts will be provided.
- The rights and files delivered are otherwise owned by the client as ‘work made for hire’.